This front-end was developed for GNU/Linux systems. In order to run it you must have Steghide installed; for audio support it's necessary to have ALSA configured and a 2.6 kernel, while for JPEG header interpretation the Libjpeg library is used. Since the interface is based on FLTK, you must also have the FLTK runtime libraries version 1.1.6 or later installed.
To compile from source you will need development headers for the libraries mentioned above; the PStreams header file is distributed along with the SteGUI source. All that is needed can be found on the corresponding web sites, following the links below, or among software packages commonly provided by the main Linux distributions.
Finally, Steghide depends on the MHash, MCrypt and Zlib libraries to be able to use all of its features, in addition to Libjpeg.
SteGUI source code packages are available for download from the SteGUI project page on SourceForge. Currently no binary packages are provided. The latest stable version of SteGUI is version 0.0.1.
Alternatively, you can access the public CVS repository with the commands:
cvs login
cvs -z3 co -P stegui
or browse the web-based CVS repository, also useful if you don't know what names the modules have.
Here are links to the web sites that host the libraries used by SteGUI:
Here are links to the web sites that host the libraries used by Steghide:
In addition, here are some useful references on Steganography, for the most interested users:
Finally, here are some links to Steganography utilities mentioned in these pages: